Category Archives: Skimz Sumpro

Interzoo 2018: incontrando John Ong allo stand Skimz

Interzoo 2018: incontrando John Ong allo stand Skimz

Skimz era presente anche quest’anno all’Interzoo, anche se lo stand era molto meno voluminosorispetto alle scorse edizioni. E’ sempre un …Read the Rest

Interzoo 2018: Meeting John Ong at Skimz’s booth

Interzoo 2018: Meeting John Ong at Skimz’s booth

Janet, Danilo and John It’s always a pleasure meeting John Ong that presented us the booth, even if the news …Read the Rest

Skimz Sumpro Series sumps are worth paying attention to

Skimz Sumpro Series sumps are worth paying attention to

February 29 2016, Brian Blank – Reefbuilders The new Skimz Sumpro series of sumps are another in the growing trend …Read the Rest